
Which Sentence Best Explains The Statement "Writing Is Rewriting"?



D is the one that i would choose as it best explains the statement



The best writing typically requires multiple edits and correcting


The best writing typically requires multiple edits and correcting.


people want their works of writing o be grammatically and punctually correct, therefore it takes editing


What are your answer options? i may be able to help with those :)


B, the best writing typically requires multiple edits and correcting


I don't know about you, but I would say (B) because for me, it isn't usually a very good writing until I edit and correct A LOT. Plus if you have to write the first draft, edit, and then write the final draft, you are basically rewriting it like, 3 times. So that is why I think it is (B). :)


Option D. When writing a good text you will always have to edit and correct parts of the text in order to get it to the best form. The first setup of a text usually is a draft. Reading back the draft you almost always see some points of attention. Correcting these things makes sure your text is optimised. Picking up another task first and correcting the text afterwards usually gives better results.


Writing is rewriting is best explained by saying that every time you write something, you at first prepare drafts. These drafts then get rewritten so as to improve them, which in turn means that your writing is actually rewriting.


answered: Guest

what novel are you talking about?


answered: Guest

the father plays a very vital role in the life of the narrator in the story. the father is that person who may be physically absent but is also the one who just existed in the mind or the memory of the narrator. in the mind of the storyteller, his father during the time he was with their family was dutiful, orderly and straightforward. but when the narrator was asked who has always the final say, it would always be the mother. it is because of the father's departure that made the authority of the mother waive and became questionable. the father's leaving really made a big impact in his family's lives. the father never set foot on land and he was more towards the lonely nature because as the story said he never acknowledged the existence of his family after his departure but it is implied to the reader that the reason why the father stayed and rowed nearby to maintain togetherness.

Which Sentence Best Explains The Statement "Writing Is Rewriting"?


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