
Should It Be Illegal To Use Animals For Sports And Entertainment Essay

There is zip remotely "sporting" almost sports that involve unwilling animal participants. For the animals who are forced to participate in them, these activities are no game—they are about survival. Fifty-fifty the "winners" emerge physically and emotionally scarred—and the losers pay with their lives.

Bulls who are used in bullfighting are deliberately weakened before the fights by beingness drugged and sometimes having their horns shaved down in gild to disorient them, sandbags dropped on their backs, and petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to blur their vision. The tortured bulls never stand a chance against the matador, who tries to impale them slowly with repeated stabbing.

Animals who are used in dogfighting and cockfighting are typically kept chained outdoors in horrific conditions with little or no shelter. They are starved, drugged, and browbeaten to make them aggressive. If they don't dice in the fighting ring, the "losers" are killed by their trainers—often by being electrocuted, drowned, hanged, burned, or shot. Many others are abased to die slowly from their injuries.

In rodeos, individuals try to look tough by provoking relatively tame animals (who, unlike the man participants, don't choose to participate in these dangerous events) into acting "wild." Electric prods, spurs, and bucking straps are used to irritate and enrage the animals, all for the crowd'southward amusement. Countless animals have been severely injured and killed in rodeos.

Hunting and fishing are unnecessary, vehement forms of "entertainment" that tear animal families apart and leave countless animals dead, orphaned, and/or badly injured. Most people who hunt or fish do so under the guise of "saving deer from starving to decease in the winter" or to help "regulate the population" or simply for the pleasure that killing gives them—not because they need to in social club to survive.

Animals who are used in racing—including horses, greyhounds, and dogs used in dog-sled racing—are often drugged to mask sickness and injury and are forced to race. Between races, they are typically bars for most of the twenty-four hours to cramped stalls or crates with barely enough room to turn around in or, in the instance of dogs used for dog-sled races, chained up outside. When they stop winning races, well-nigh of these animals are euthanized, shot, sold to laboratories for experiments, or sent to slaughterhouses.

No animal deserves to be abused or killed for "entertainment." Please help sideline these cruel "sports" past never attending or supporting them.


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